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IP Geolocation

Discover detailed information about any IP address with our IP Geolocation tool. Obtain insights into the geographical location, internet service provider (ISP), domain name, and other pertinent details associated with the IP address.

Find Domain Owner & Information
IP Location Tracking

Pinpoint the exact geographical location of any IP address using our IP Location Tracking tool. Whether for cybersecurity, marketing, or administrative purposes, this feature provides valuable insights into the physical location of the IP address.

Find out Domain Expiry

Utilize the IP WHOIS Lookup tool to access comprehensive information about the owner, organization, and registration details of any IP address. From contact information to network affiliations, this feature offers valuable insights for network administrators, cybersecurity professionals, and researchers.


What is an IP address?

An IP address is a unique numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.

How does IP geolocation work?

IP geolocation works by mapping an IP address to its corresponding geographical location, typically based on the device's Internet Service Provider (ISP) and other identifying information.

What information can I obtain from an IP lookup?

With an IP lookup, you can obtain information such as the geographic location, Internet Service Provider (ISP), domain name, and sometimes the organization associated with the IP address.

How accurate is IP geolocation?

The accuracy of IP geolocation varies depending on factors such as the database used, the quality of data sources, and the method of estimation. Generally, it can provide a general idea of the location, but it may not always be precise.

Can I track the location of a mobile device using its IP address?

While it's possible to determine the approximate location of a mobile device using its IP address, the accuracy may be limited, especially if the device is connected to a cellular network with dynamic IP assignments.

How do I perform an IP lookup?

You can perform an IP lookup by using online tools or services that provide IP geolocation functionality. Simply enter the IP address you want to look up, and the tool will retrieve the relevant information.

Can I use IP lookup for cybersecurity purposes?

Yes, IP lookup can be a valuable tool for cybersecurity professionals to identify potential threats, track malicious activities, and enhance network security measures.

Is IP lookup legal?

Yes, IP lookup is legal and commonly used for legitimate purposes such as network administration, cybersecurity, marketing analytics, and content localization.

Can I trace the owner of an IP address?

While IP lookup tools can provide information about the organization or ISP associated with an IP address, tracing the specific individual or entity may require legal processes and cooperation from Internet Service Providers.

Is IP lookup real-time?

IP lookup information is usually based on historical data and may not always reflect real-time changes, especially for dynamic IP addresses that may change frequently.

Can IP lookup be used for advertising targeting?

Yes, IP lookup data can be used for targeted advertising purposes to deliver personalized content based on the user's geographic location or other demographic information derived from the IP address.

Are there privacy concerns associated with IP lookup?

Yes, there are privacy concerns associated with IP lookup, as it may reveal sensitive information about the user's location and online activities. It's important to use IP lookup tools responsibly and comply with privacy regulations.